We ❤️ Open Source

Sahnee uses and develops open source software.
At Sahnee, we strongly believe in the future of open source and support this type of software distribution.


On our GitHub page, we publish libraries and software for general use. All in the spirit of open source.

Sahnee Bot

Sahnee Bot

Discord Bot

The Sahnee bot is a Discord server moderation bot that allows admins and moderators to send warnings to misbehaving users.



Cryptographic token generator

An Elixir library used to generate cryptographically secure hashed tokens in our applications.


Data structure cloner

@sahnee/clone is a library to deep clone simple JavaScript objects to fully break references from the original object.



BackblazeB2 client

B2Destillator is a library to connect your Elixir application to the BackblazeB2. It uses the native B2 Storage API.



Logging library

A library that extends the native Elixir logging facilities with features commonly needed such as human readable logs and structural logging.


Fetch based HTTP client

Yet another fetch based minimalisitc HTTP client with a strong focus on making JSON based requests without sacificing its flexibility.



Configuration library

Helps reduce configuration boilerplate code in Elixir projects by automatically generating code required to read configuration data.